Initial Setup

Inventory Management

What products do you sell, when do they expire, how many are left at the YMCA location? This is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. It might be a bit intimidating at first, but once your products are in and tracked you will have 20/20 vision on your company and how to become more profitable, let's begin!


Products are required so that we can tell Vendesk what is in each selection at each machine in your company. This is required so that when Vendesk receives a transaction from your card reader we can match it up to a product. Once we have that information along with the cost of each product we can begin telling you how profitable your company is (gross - cost). Of course there are additional expenses that come into play to determine true profitability but products are typically 50% of your businesses expenses.

Product Fields

  • Code (any unique identifier you want)
  • Name of the product
  • Type (Beverage, Candy Bar, Pastry, Food, Chip, Candy), used later for reporting
  • Last supplier
  • Last cost